Category Archives: 2015/6 – Sydney Summer

2015/6 – Sydney Summer

Northerly’s home this summer has been Ferguson’s Marina at The Spit, Mosman.  It’s been a great location in terms of ease of access for us, plus, with Mia rowing out of The Spit, she’s spent a lot of nights aboard with her rowing mates (saving parents some early morning driving….).

We’ve had lots of fun days aboard in Sydney Harbour, including:

  • Many fabulous days with Thackray, Rossi and Bishop families (including a fun long weekend despite constant pouring rain with the Thackrays)
  • Johncox and Lennox’s for a gorgeous day swimming and lunching (later joined by Richardsons)
  • Mia and Imi brought friends out for days of sun-baking, leaping off the top deck,  swimming and general photographing of themselves….
  • Mark and I had a fun afternoon cruise with Tristan and his partner who have a very nice yacht near us at the Marina for a couple of months (Pangaea).

In January we had a couple of weeks in Pittwater – mainly around Yeomans Bay and in Smiths Creek.  The weather wasn’t too good (lots of rain), but it didn’t worry anyone.  We still used the standup paddle boards every day and had fun rafted up with the Thackrays (on Phoebe) and Bishops (on Corinthia).  We watched all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies during the rainy days, played cards and generally ate and drank too much.


One particularly fun day/night was had for Mark’s birthday – Reg and Lisa Huybers, Caz, Pip and Charlie Rossi, Bluey and Renie Chapman (and their crew), the Mochinovs, the Thackrays and others joined us aboard Northerly for lunch and dinner festivities.  One highlight of that day was a fabulous long paddle I had with Caz up Smiths Creek (which was gorgeous) and Pip jumping into the water to save his $200 sunnies – forgetting he had his new $1000 phone in his pocket and then also dropping it and smashing the screen…..

Unfortunately Mia couldn’t join us for many days due to rowing camps – but Imi was good company as always!


We, along with the Dowers, Thackrays and Bishops enjoyed a beautiful day on the Harbour (with the kids taking a side trip in the tender to the Rossis for a swim in their pool) on Australia Day!  We all sang the anthem at noon!



Over Easter, and also for a few days in early April, we again took Northerly to Pittwater.  The usual boats were there (Thackray’s, Bishop’s, Blueys).  This year Melinda and Titch Graham joined us on their cruiser as well.  We also had Rupert aboard a night after helping Mark deliver Northerly up the coast.  We had lots of laughs every day, lots of paddling, great food and a fun pizza night at KMYC.  Mia was trialing for the NSW Pathways VIII over Easter, so wasn’t with us much, but  she and Hannah Leuchars joined us for a night at the end of the trip which was great.  We met up with the RSYS cruise crews one night for a beach party  – was a fun evening despite the beach being submerged with the high tide…..